Colors are made up of 3 sets of numbers in the RGB color system determined by the amount of Red, Green and Blue contained within a color.
These colors can be represented as hexadecimal, or base-16, values.
Below is a representation of major color groups in the 00 to FF (16) range. The full range is 00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, AA ,BB, CC, DD, EE, FF.
So that:-
yellow is represented by full red (FF) and full green (FF) and zero blue (00)=FFFF00.
cayan is represented by full red (FF) and zero green (FF) and full blue (00)=FF00FF.
magenta is represented by zero red (FF) and full green (FF) and full blue (00)=00FFFF.
white is represented by full red (FF) and full green (FF) and full blue (00)=FFFFFF.
black is represented by zero red (FF) and zero green (FF) and zero blue (00)=000000.
A total of 16,777,216 (256³) color variations can be displayed below.
1. Click on the '+' to increase the appropriate values;
2. Click on the '-' to decrease the appropriate values.
3. You can save up to 12 color combinations for comparison purposes.
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